Get My Entire Balanced Body Birth & Recovery System

Access your All-In-One Program and learn how to have a smarter birth AND a happier postpartum pelvis!

Perfect if you want step-by-step support for learning how to prepare for birth and recover well.

What’s Included?

✔️ My entire Birth Prep & Recovery System that I share with my in-person clients (at a fraction of the cost!)

✔️ 7 Birth Prep Sections including birth specific exercises, pelvic floor protection techniques, optimal birth positioning and pushing techniques and our full Birth Academy course (a stand alone birth education course)!

✔️ 8 Postpartum Recovery Sections including early postpartum vitality support and step-by-step exercise videos taking you safely through Day 1 - Week 12 of your recovery.

✔️ 10 downloadable guides for additional birth and postpartum support

✔️ Access to our community to get all your questions answered!

Regular Price: $222

Your Price Today: $179

What others are saying…

This is all available to you, too!

If you choose to dive into this proven system AND implement the strategies

Then, you’ll have learned how to stack the cards in your favor to birth and recover well.

Are you ready 👇?


  • Unfortunately, no. Birth is wild and unpredictable and there are some things that can’t be controlled. BUT this system promises to teach you how to control the controllables to stack the outcomes in your favor!

  • I’ve been a pelvic physical therapist and birth coach for many years and I’ve supported literally 1000’s of families over the course of my career! I’ve learned a LOT along the way and I’m on a mission to share it all with you.

  • This course has a lot of content! To get the most out of it, we recommend starting around 12-15 weeks pregnant. We have MANY people who get a ton out of the program even at 34 weeks pregnant. Much later than this, you may feel rushed.

  • It is so much more! Yes, it has a stand alone course from a birth doula and certified birth educator BUT the rest of the content is stuff that traditional birth courses leave out.

  • Not at all. I am not diagnosing or treating any pelvic health conditions. I’m merely providing PT-informed general education that everyone can benefit from. If you are experiencing specific, unwanted pregnancy or postpartum symptoms, see your pelvic PT!

Want a sneak peek of the system?

I’m Dr. Jess! A Midwest raised Birth Coach & Pelvic Therapist infused with 10 years of unrelenting pelvic floor passion and experience.

I know you are tired of information overload which makes it hard to know who to trust and where to focus. This is exactly why I created this system. At this price, watcha waiting for?

Is the System Right For Me?

Yes, if you…

✔️ are between 15-34 weeks pregnant.

✔️ are planning a home or hospital-based birth.

✔️ are a first-time birther with anxiety about the unknown. You are not alone on this one!

✔️ have birthed before but would like a different experience this time around.

✔️ believe YOU are the expert of your body & your birth and would like some support to get there.

✔️ can commit to a comprehensive program packed with birth prep & postpartum recovery support!

No, if you…

✔️ are someone who prefers to “go with the flow” in birth and recovery. This is a very structured program!

✔️ believe someone else is “in charge” of your birth process.

✔️ have a hard time logging into online programs and struggle to fully commit.

Imagine if you could go from…

  • being anxious about birth to feeling fully confident and prepared.

  • believing birth is “out of your control” to learning how to control the controllables.

  • accepting that “birth happens to you” to owning your birth process.

  • being overwhelmed postpartum to having your plan laid out for you.